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Metrekare İngilizce yazılışı kopyala:
M2 yazılışı kopyala:
Meterquare sözcüğünün İngilizce kullanımına örnekler:
The studio apartment measures 40 square meters and has a minimalist design with a touch of Scandinavian style.
The retail store occupies a floor space of 300 square meters and offers a wide range of products for different customer segments.
The industrial building has a total area of 5,000 square meters, with a high ceiling and a spacious loading dock.
The public park covers an area of 10,000 square meters and features a playground, a jogging track, and several picnic spots.
The newly built house has a total floor area of 250 square meters, including four bedrooms, a large living room, and a home office.
The warehouse has a total area of 2,000 square meters and is used to store various products before distribution to different retailers.
The conference center has a total floor space of 1,500 square meters and can accommodate up to 500 guests.
The luxury apartment has a total area of 150 square meters, with an open-plan living and dining area, a master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom, and a balcony with a stunning view of the city skyline.
The medical center has a total floor area of 500 square meters and provides various healthcare services, including consultation, diagnostics, and treatment.
The high-rise office building has a total area of 20,000 square meters and features modern amenities such as high-speed elevators, a smart security system, and a rooftop garden.
The real estate agent advertised the apartment as having a floor area of 60 m², perfect for a young couple or single professional.
The hotel room was quite spacious, measuring 25 m² with a comfortable king-size bed and a small seating area.
The property developer planned to build a commercial building with a total area of 5,000 m², including office spaces, retail shops, and a parking lot.
The university library had a total area of 10,000 m², with several reading areas, computer stations, and study rooms.
The modern house was designed to maximize space utilization, with a total floor area of 200 m², including a basement and an attic.
The small apartment may have been compact, but it had a well-designed floor plan that maximized the use of its 30 m² area.
The exhibition hall had a total floor area of 1,000 m², with plenty of space to showcase various artworks and installations.
The sports complex had a total floor area of 5,000 m², including a gym, a swimming pool, and several sports courts.
The commercial building had a total area of 3,000 m², with each floor measuring 500 m² and a spacious lobby area.
The restaurant had a total floor area of 150 m², with a cozy dining area, a well-equipped kitchen, and a bar.
Kaynak: OpenAI Chatbot.
Metrekare Nasıl Yazılı
Üslü Sayı Yazma
Heryer Nasıl Yazılır
Allah Arapça Yazılışı
Küçük-Eşittir İşareti Nasıl Yazılır
Kalp Emoji Kopyala
Bu sitede sadece TDK yazım kılavuzu esas alınmamıştır çünkü 1985 tarihli TDK İmla Kılavuzu, en başta "yazım" yerine "imla" kelimesine geri dönmeyi tercih etmiş olmasıyla büyük tartışmalar başlatmıştır; . ve TDK, 1985'ten sonra yayınevlerin tek başvuru kaynağı olma özelliğini kaybetmiştir. 1980 öncesi TDK üyelerinin eseri olan Ana Yazım Kılavuzu ve Dil Derneği Yazım Kılavuzu, yayıncıların tamamına yakınının temel başvuru kaynağı olmuştur. Dolayısıyla iki kurumun yazım önerilerinin birbirini tutmadığı durumlarda ilgili genel yazım kuralının uygulanışına ve literatürde baskın gelmiş olan yaygınlığa da bakarak önerilerde bulunulmaktadır. Alıntıların pek çok yaygın kabulü göstermek içindir. Zira dil, masa başında tasarlanan bir düzen değil, son tahlilde o dili konuşanların şekillendirdiği konvansiyonel bir yapıdır.
Sitede yapılan yazım önerilerine yönelik itirazlarınızı yorum kısmında paylaşabilirsiniz.